Amateur radio will never be obsolete, due to the fact that one can communicate across the country or the world on 25 watts of power, with good conditions, and be totally portable, off the grid.
With the Fed gov wanting to regulate or do away with the Internet, ham radio will always be a nice alternative.
With the Fed gov wanting to regulate or do away with the Internet, ham radio will always be a nice alternative.
I've had an advanced ham license for years, but haven't been on the air in a long time.
Personally, the internet has diminished my interest in ham radio. I also feel that ham radio is probably MORE regulated than the internet.
I still think of getting back to it sometimes, but I haven't because I am not a big talker and I also get real tired of exchanging the same old information and gabbing about the weather. Also, without a schedule, you can't reach a particular person....if you like yelling into the ozone, I guess thats OK (and it can occasionally yield interesting results).
Somebody, please convince me I'm wrong!
I certainly don't mean to bash hams. It was a fascination of mine since childhood. Unfortunately, the thrill is gone.