It’s only approved in females ages 11-26. It’s in Phase III trials in boys. The consequences of HPV infection are much more severe in women - cervical or vulvar cancers. Uncircumcised males can develop squamous cell cancer of the penis, but much later in life than women develop cervical cancer. Squamous cell cancer of the anus can occur in both men and women, but more commonly in HIV-infected individuals.
Someone mentioned oral-pharyngeal cancer earlier. That can occur in both males and females regardless of smoking or dipping history, or HIV status.
According to Gardasil's own web-site, it prevents only 2 of the 30-40 varieties of HPV that cause cancer. And those 2 constitute 70% of cancer-causing HPV. There is still another 30% of cancer-causing HPV that goes unprotected, and I guarantee that with increasing pressure to get this vaccine that percentage will increase as viruses mutate (as all living things do) because they want to survive.
The other 2 that it protects against cause genital warts, and while I admit having genital warts is not a pleasant circumstance it hardly compares to the life-threatening specter of cancer. Oh, and by the way, this is a vaccine (which acts by stimulating the body to produce antibodies to a particular virus). Therefore, if a girl has already been sexually active and has acquired the virus, Gardasil is useless. Which, to be fair, is clearly stated in their TV advertisements if anyone cares to pay close enough attention.
So, in all likelihood we will end up with the same unintended consequences of most liberal theories, and that is a false sense of security and an increase in the risky behavior. I fear we will never learn.