And thats if one gets past all the anal probing, implant injecting, sperm and ova stealing, lying etc.
You got me to thinking. Do space aliens favor the elites, the self anointed, those who are intellectual because they told you so? You know the ones: the terrorist fellators, Code Pinkos, N.O.W. S.O.W.'s, and various other Unbathed?
An interesting issue very hard to get statistics on.
One source insisted that Jews and RC’s are UNDER-REPRESENTED
AMONGST abductees.
Then Guy Malone’s research indicates that
NO AUTHENTIC, GENUINE, BORN AGAIN CHRISTIANS HAVE EVER BEEN ABDUCTED AS FAR AS HE COULD FIND OUT. In the one case where it was purportedly so, he proved that the woman had INVITED the stuff—which, of course, would negate any protection her Christianity might have afforded otherwise.
It’s interesting that ALL the famous researchers won’t fess up about those facts, publicly. Next time I see Stanton Friedman, If I do, I hope to pigeon hole him on it. I may have last time I saw him. He’s great at dodging whatever he doesn’t want to respond to as are the rest of them.
As far as I can tell from all I’ve read . . . the abductees are on the whole slightly smarter and a bit healthier than the average citizen. Otherwise, not much difference.
There seems to be and reportedly is SOME SORT OF GENETIC FACTOR that they are looking for. And that they follow families down through the generations for. Very mysterious. Never read any convincing explanation.
One explanation was that there’s some sort of facility with ‘telepathic’ communication coupled with some genetic component. Sounded plausible but I don’t have a diversity of sources on it yet.
Gets rapidly into occultic sorts of stuff as far as I’m concerned.
Hey—watch those long drives, now. Don’t let the old foggies bore you to sleep when driving!