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To: rednesss
Have they worked out the problems yet of the memory sectors only being able to be written to so many times and then that sector becomes inoperable??

As I understand it, that still is an issue, but only after 100,000+ writes, and they've been developing algorithms so the writes are spread all around the drive rather than in the same places repeatedly. Supposedly they can last far longer than the average standard hard drive now.

9 posted on 03/16/2009 1:44:11 PM PDT by Future Snake Eater ("Get out of the boat and walk on the water with us!”--Sen. Joe Biden)
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To: Future Snake Eater
Wear is also still an issue. The same sectors get used over and over again. So wear algorithms needed design work and testing.

Not true about the longevity. In high use situations they won't last long. It might be fine for use where speed is absolute, and the SSDs can be swapped out frequently, but other than that the costs and low capacity are prohibited.

Google has amassed some of the best data on drive longevity and they rotate them out in years. I was told by a google server vendor it was three years use and out they go.

When google starts using SSDs then they are ready for consumers. Some day ... But don't can't on the drive folks sitting still and waiting for them to catch up. This chase has been going on for decades. When I started and it was 10mb per drive, and SSDs were just around the corner. It depends on what you need to accomplish.

18 posted on 03/16/2009 2:00:25 PM PDT by Tarpon (It's a common fact, one can't be liberal and rational at the same time.)
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To: Future Snake Eater

I thought they were up to a Million writes now? I think they tend to fail much more gracefully than HDDs as well, since they fail on write rather than read (controller should verify write I hope). If the number of writes is insufficient for your application you’d almost certainly put in a DRAM SSD instead of / in addition to a flash one.

33 posted on 03/17/2009 4:43:49 AM PDT by amchugh (large and largely disgruntled)
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