Why is she obnoxious? Don’t you think people have a right to choose people who are residing in their own home on any basis they see fit?
>> Why is she obnoxious? Dont you think people have a right to choose people who are residing in their own home on any basis they see fit?
Sure — so long as she doesn’t violate any other law in the process. But, I have just as much right to think that her “policy” is obnoxious.
To me, there is a huge distinction between actual blatant racism, and the ridiculous ticky-tack PC nonsense usually thrust upon us by “black leaders”. This, however, does not seem to be excessive political correctness — it appears to be actual racism, and it is pretty pathetic.
Even if her sign doesn’t violate the law, like the water-fountain sign, it does cross a line of common decency — and it is therefore obnoxious.