Excuse me, the sentence of mine was in regard to false testimony given to legislative bodies, not about you looking at abnormal Pap smears.
I do not have either the time or money to go to Richmond, Annapolis, Dover, Harrisburg, Trenton, Albany, or a host of other state capitols to request text of testimony given in favor of smoking bans or other anti-tobacco legislation made by ACS or other such groups stating that smoking CAUSES cervical cancer. I attended many of those sessions and heard it myself.
I have not argued about your professional experience that smoking is a risk factor for cervical cancer, in fact I agreed with you. You, however, are not willing to accept my professional experience that certain organizations, including the ACS, claim it is more than a risk factor and is in fact a cause and have done so on the floor of many legislative bodies.
Causes and increased risk factors are 2 entirely different things, but good PR campaigns know how to blur the difference in order for the general public to consider them the same, and I believe you know that.
Merck has not stopped its PR campaign, just the lobbying for the mandatory vaccines in the various states.
I’m not sure we’re getting anywhere arguing about whether Merck’s PR was successful or not. Still, they have the right to advertise their products. As for the smoking issue, all I can say is that quitting smoking is the single best thing any smoker can do to improve his or her health and I applaud the ACS for it’s efforts in this regard.