Something tells me it has more to do with chemical weapons than the flu pandemic.

And this is why: Every large, metropolitan city has a large supply of antidote on hand, in the event of a chemical attack. It's not talked about, but it's true. It's just a part of emergency planning....they have all the bases covered.

Now, let's say that the government has advanced warning of a chemical attack coming. Huge amount of deaths expected. What would they do?? They would start to set up decontamination centers, or mini-emergency medical clinics (like MASH units), aka FEMA camps, where people (survivors) would come to get medical help/antidotes.

They would also stock large amounts of body bags, coffins, we have been hearing about.

Of course, they couldn't tell people what they were really there for, because people would get freaked out, and there would be a run on the "antidotes." Just like people did a run on "tamiflu" a few years ago with the bird flu scare. So, instead of telling people the truth, they make up a false cover....a story....let's say....oh, a killer flu virus! And vaccination centers! Yeah, that's right! They'll make up a silly story about how the swine flu is going to kill thousands of people, and so they're setting up vaccination centers to give out vaccines.

But in reality is that that's just a cover story....sure, they might be making vaccines, but that's just to DIVERT THE ATTENTION AWAY FROM THE TRUE STORY, which is: they are are setting up emergency MASH/decontamination units for people to go to in the event of a chemical attack. They get people thinking about (and arguing about) vaccines....not chemical weapons antidotes.

So, what makes more sense? That people would riot so they could get a vaccine? (I don't think so...) Or that people would riot to get antidotes for chemical weapons, or potassium iodide for a nuclear attack?

I can imagine a riot situation developing for people who have been exposed (or their family members) to chemical weapons or a "dirty nuclear bomb." I could not imagine people rioting to get vaccines. For the most part, Americans are pretty nice to their fellow Americans when it comes to rationing vaccines. For example, last year, when it was announced that htere was a shortage of flu vaccines, most healthy adults didn't get it because they figured others needed it more than in the end, there ended up being a SURPLUS of vaccine...not a shortage. It's like giving up a seat on the bus for a little old lady. So, we're not going to see rioting for least, not in America.

But, in the event of a true attack....if the general populace hear that a chemical weapon or a dirty nuclear bomb has been detonated in their city......well, then I think people would definitely start to riot to get antidotes.

Pus, a flu virus knows no boundaries.....rural areas, city areas, it doesn't matter. It will spread regardless of city limits. But chemical weapons or dirty nuclear bombs would be directed at major metropolitan centers, only.

So, that's my theory...I think our government has information that a chemical weapons or a nuclear weapons attack (or even a dirty bomb attack) is coming, and so that's why they are setting up these fema decontaminate people. But they are calling them "vaccination centers" to not alarm everyone.

Also, there are rumors that 350,000 UN/foreign troops are in the US....and that 400,000 American troops will be in America soon. Now, why would we allow that unless we knew something bad was coming down the pipelline??

I don't think it's a nefarious plot by our government to declare matial law and be come a dictatorship...I think that maybe something truly bad is planned, but our government doesn't want to cause a panic, so they're handling it very, very quietly....and they're making up "cover stories" about possible flu pandemics.

At least, that's my theory. We'll see what happens in October.



There are toooooo many sources of tooooooo great a diversity saying things about roughly this time frame . . . for any aware person to be dismissive or complacent.