The 'Big Bang' theory is the best scientific explanation for the observed universe. If new evidence is found or a better theory is proposed....
Prior to that Singularity of the Big Bang...the moment prior to the moment of creation.....Why is there something, rather than nothing at all?
I have no clue what came before the Big Bang. None at all.
Maybe one of the lurkers can address your question. :)
The *big bang* confirms the Bible's declaration of *In the beginning....*
Science comes late to the party again.
So why do they say the creation account is a fairy tale or mythology?
Let me help your understanding. Before the Big Bang, there was nothing,.....No Thing. No time, no space, no matter. Nothing. Yet here we are. If natural forces existed, and we have zero (0) evidence of that then why would unknown forces “decide” to create anything? A decision was made to convert ‘nothing’ to something which we know as the universe. Forces don’t ‘decide’. Forces are not a mind. Yet here we are. Something separate and distinct from this time, space, matter, energy continuum made a decision to create a universe from nothing. So my question to you is,....Why is there something at all, rather than nothing?