It will be interesting to see this play out in court. Perhaps this time it will get to an appeals court and establish a national precedent.
Texas has a lot of sane, rational people. A lot of defense contractors, semi-conductor companies, aerospace as well as a big petrochemical industry. I’m sure the people at these places, like the Johnson space center, are going to love having their kids exposed to YEC crap that contradicts what their parents do for a living. And that’s on top of some fairly prominent research universities, too.
It would be even more interesting if this goes through and the Texas high schools lose accredation with respect to their diplomas being valid for admittance to colleges and universities. Some California Christian high schools got hit with that a few years ago and that was over teaching YEC creationism and warping science to fit their religious superstitions. Teach kids garbage and they won’t be able to handle science majors in college without a good brain bleaching.
It will be interesting to see this play out in court. Perhaps this time it will get to an appeals court and establish a national precedent.
Sure why that you’ve got a hypocrat congress and president in place to continue bashing any and all things Christan, why not?
Good a time as any.