Which brings up the question as to who really nuked Earth and why were there cylons there. Unless it was a trap set by the 13th colony take out all the cylons but why nuke the cyclons and not just use the death virus software to take them out. Which brings up another unless. Unless the humans knew before hand that the cylons would nuke Caprica and then try to find Earth.
Which would in someway would explain why the humans had a religion with prophesies of Earth. But that then brings up the question of the number of models of cylons because the 5 concealed models had parents which means that sometime before tonight's episode there was cylon on cylon action that produced children or the 5 concealed models were given preprogrammed false memories of growing up. Plus at some point humans and or cylons had to come back to Caprica from Earth to leave the ancient clues. And if the clyons had been around that long had not their dream of becoming like the humans been realized?
Which brings up another question is if cyclon models were already coexisting with humans on Caprica why nuke it in the first place? Isn't the whole cylon thing is that they wanted to be human to begin with?
Then there is whole new Starbuck and new ship thing which means there is some sort of advanced replication technology out there which means there is an alien race involved or that the 13th colony became so advanced that they mastered time travel as well and was trying to avoid the nuking of Caprica in the first place or they were trying to warn the Caprica humans as to what was to come and give them somewhere to go. Now it sounds like humans made their own version of the Terminator Skynet AI to help out the human race and it got corrupted and they ended up with psychotic suicidal cylons. Just have to wait and see how they play it out and just somethings to think about. LOL Have a good one Kevin. I have been up too long tonight. 8-)
Thanks KD
I’ve been lurkin’ and readin’ and watchin’