I'm getting ready to buy another cow for our freezer
and I see you're in OK
I'm known round the 7 western states as the Bacon man cause of the company I haul to Cal for, a 175 mil a year outfit and they buy their pork bellies out of Guyman, I trust you know where that is.
it's all in doing the homework...
Never been to Guymon, but I see it’s in the OK Panhandle. That’s even less interesting than the adjacent TX Panhandle, which is about as uninteresting as any place I’ve ever frequently driven through (and just about anything interests me). Seems like a really good location for procuring hog bellies.
I transplanted myself to OK from Southern California six years ago, and am still in an extended adjustment phase. Still adjusting, but the longer I’m here, the more I like it!