He’s catching flak because they’re not talking about the divorce decree at all — at least in a substantive way. He said that once the lawyer showed him the significance, it became obvious to him that this document would bring Obama down. Well, other that regurgitate the “British citizenship” facts (not denied by Obama anyway) Hale hasn’t told us what the “obvious” significance was.
I’ve listened to this bozo before several times, and I have rarely, if ever, seen a flicker of intelligence from him on any subject he talks about. Hale is an utter waste of time.
And yet....here YOU are....
wasting your time.
Ironic....to say the least.
He seems like a professional wrestler, but he did find an official document that gives a different date of birth (August 4) than the COLB (August 8).
If we wanted to make noise about this new finding, a simple question “when is Obama’s birthday?” might hit home.
Someone pointed out that he sounded like this character called Bugs who called in to the Art Bell show claiming to have shot Bigfoot.
And by God, I’d swear it was the same person. Listen and tell me what you think.
Either the decree will lead to the birth certificate as Ed has stated, or it won’t.
If Hale is an utter waste of time as you express what are you doing on this thread?
Who first found and then posted the divorce decree? You can’t give Ed any credit for that, can you?