Like you wrote on your Home Page:
GWB won 2002 and 2004 but it was a two election plan, after that he destroyed the party.
Thanks!! I was wondering if anyone reads that. Yes, I painfully came to these conclusions, I truly believed GWB knew what he was doing early on 2003, by 2004 I was worried, 2005-2006 I was sick, by December 2006 I was enraged for my trust being betrayed and knew we would lose big in 2008.
One lesson I learned painfully was to be careful of what your favorite radio talk show hosts are saying when their (our) side is in power. When they say ‘it’s all media bias’ and all republicans are called stupid and bull headed by them (as in Coulters book Slander) , it’s possible the liberal media is on to something true and smell blood.