Maybe some one can help my memory here as to which treaty:
Reagan was good an angry about a certain treaty. He instructed his staff to rip it up. A member of his staff reminded him that there was an agreement that there had to be a two year notice if one wanted to get out from under this treaty. He angrily told the staff member to rip that up too.
End of treaty.
We miss you Ron.
Miss Ron Palin? *COUGH*
!!! I mean, Sarah Palin. Must have been a freudian slip. :-)
Yes, I miss ol Reagan as well, the things he stood for and got accomplished despite an extremely stacked deck were incredibly impressive. Hopefully, Sarah will stick around to repeat it.
Her and Bobby Reagan *COUGH*
!!! I mean, Jindal. Yeah, that’s it. :-)
I’m a big fan of any conservative who has the capability to speak right over the biased MSLM