You know...if you think about it for a minute it could make sense. There's absolutely no resemblence between Barry and the goat herder. For some reason alot of powerful left wing radicals have taken a very strong interest in obama's life ever since he was a boy. Somebody got him into Columbia and Harvard. Somebody got him on The Harvard Law Review. Groomed him for the Oval Office. Helped raise this obscene amount of money that he's spent in this campaign. Isn't it funny that Louie Calypso is soooo interested in and in love with Barry? This is all pretty strange to me.
The smile too. It FREAKS me out!!!! Malcolm the head of NOI and a commie.
I don’t know for sure about all ot this, BUt i will tell you what, Satan is working OVERTIME to get BHO elected to take down this nation. That I am SURE of!!!!!
I hate to be conspiratorial but I DON’T BELIEVE IN COINCICENCE.
BO didn’t just show up at Columbia, Harvard, Chicago, Ayers, Calypso Louie, Davis etc. He didn’t just happen to get a Muslim education in a very out of the way, very non-arabic and very not African country.
Something smells very strange to me. After more than a few decades I’ve learned to listen to my gut instincts.