You are missing the greatest new show in the last 2 weeks. New revelations, anger, arguments, Colmes being an idiot (what else is new), a few commercials. Lots of noise -- actually, too much info being tossed out from all four people. Now Dick Morris is stating that the new Rev. Wright ads and tax ads will draw the older folks from FL and elsewhere into the fold. In fact, he says most undecideds will go to McCain. He almost, but not quite, predicted a McCain victory.
At the very beginning of the show, Sean played a bit of a tape from a speech Khalidi gave in 1998 where he said the way to reform a country is from within and that you start in a corrupt place like Chicago, where there is deceit, corruption, bribes, payoffs and you scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours.
Now “Tito the builder” is smacking down Alan Colmes
Colmes- what a putz