See post # 12.
I’m not leaving anyone of the hook for disobeying God and the killing of the unborn.
It is just that as Catholics, the doctrine is crystal clear, and not subject to the meaning of ‘is’. The same beliefs hold true for fundamentalist Christians and Orthodox Jews. The Christian Coalition and a few other groups do a good job of reinforcing the principles that insist a Christian vote against pro-abortion candidates. Therefore, their vote for life is assumed and not targetted in the same way.
Unfortunately, the differences between the various Other denominations within the Christain faith do not lend themselves to targeting as a voting demographic. Researching the religious teaching of these houses of worship is too variable to yield results and some have wandered so far from Christ’s teachings that it’s nearly a waste of time to even attempt the persuasion to Life.
The majority of the Jews are statisically the same way. The overwhelming majority tend to support abortion on demand and intentionally seek and support abortion candidates. In America, they have become secular and cultural Jews that are connected by ancestory to the tribe of David, but no longer practice the tenets of their faith.
[as Catholics, the doctrine is crystal clear ]
Too bad the Protestant churches can’t be put under a single net as the dictionary does;
Protestant, a member of any of several church denominations denying the universal authority of the Pope and affirming the Reformation principles of justification by faith alone, and the primacy of the Bible as the only source of revealed truth ; broadly : a Christian not of a Catholic or Eastern church