Posted on 10/27/2008 2:04:01 AM PDT by Boucheau
This is a dangerous man, FReepers.
Al Gore and John Kerry were frickin true-blue American patriots compared to this man.
They have nothing on Barack 0bama.
He will rewrite the fundamentals of our system, break it into ruins and raise up a socialist nightmare that will last indefinitely.
Once the hard-left takes hold it will be extremely difficult to break their hold.
You will have no recourse because you will have no juice as a citizen anymore you will not matter above and beyond your ability to hand-over your labor (private property) to the state.
Think it cant happen?
Twenty years ago if you said a black socialist with ties to domestic terrorists who had a racist, anti-semitic pastor for twenty years and who openly, publicly states that he wants to spread the wealth around would not only be a candidate for POTUS but hugely popular and ahead in the polls most would have considered you a crackpot.
The Democrats of the 60s and before have been replaced by hard-core leftists. These are not Americans, as such these are socialists that do not hold individualism as the cornerstone of a great country their cornerstone is SACRIFICE your sacrifice.
Freedom cannot coexist with socialism. Once property rights are gone the rest is moot. If you dont own your labor (your paycheck) you cease to be the owner of your existence.
They want your 401K in 2008 what do you think theyll want by 2018?????
This is serious, serious stuff, FReepers.
Much like the Vampire bats analgesic saliva has the lefts kind-hearted message and political correctness served as a guise and diversion to conceal their true purpose of bleeding youfor your own good, of course.
They are playing for keeps and intent on taking from you the America you have known. They are intent on seperating you from the freedom that would allow you and yours to flourish, to prosper and know happiness. You will be abandoned by the courts, the judges and the law enforcement. They will all be running for cover to protect their own families, their own interests. They will not be able to risk it all to protect you.
This is the human carnage that is socialism and communism.
Americans have no idea what it is this is the very reason they are so vulnerable to this threat most cant even fathom the concept. They will continue their ignorant march into the leftists abyss until it is too late.
There will be no retracing of steps to get back out of this. Every inch that we lose now is a yard well have to make up later.
Consider 0bamas associations with known Communists, Socialists, Racists, American Terrorists and those who very well may be the architects of our current financial problems some of whom are still working with him and WILL BE A PART OF HIS CABINET.
Imagine your children working 70-80%, or more, of every single year just to pay their tax bill. The 20-30% thats left is what theyll have to build their lives on.
Imagine wanting to choose a good doctor for your children and learning that YOU HAVE NO CHOICE the left has already decided who your childrens doctor will be.
Imagine having to kiss the a**es of countless govt officials to get the services you and your family needs.
Imagine the free spirit, the rugged confidence, the grit, the gumption and the creativity of Americans gone, likely forever. These are but the effect and the natural result of freedom and its only compatible economic system: capitalism.
Americans are not genetically superior to other peoples. Our greatness has come from the ideas and principles we live by thats it. You have heard the ideas and principles of Barack 0bama. I am here to tell you that they are indeed DIAMETRICALLY OPPOSED to the ideas and principles of the founding fathers and our constitution.
We must fight these people as if our lives depended upon our rage they MUST BE DEFEATED, MARGINALIZED AND MADE POWERLESS.
Fight them, Americans.
No one is coming. If we dont defend freedom then it will not be defended at all. You are charged with the keep of freedom in this country.
Our leaders? Inept, incompetent and in charge. They will not save you. You know it, and I know it.
Fight, Americans! Fight, Republicans! Fight them, FReepers!
Fight them, Americans.
sounds good yet nobody knows who is obamas handler?.
Not indefinitely...
Just 1000 Years of Darkness.
“Just 1000 Years of Darkness.”
That’s wacist!
1000 Years of Dimness.
That’s an awesome looking boat. Where was that taken, may I ask?
You are exactly right. Socialism is the great incentive killer. And in the end, they will have only achieved equality in the misery department.
Right now, a couple of smart, hard-working guys could climb aboard that boat, pop open a couple of cold ones and take-in the fresh air and enjoy what they have achieved relatively unencumbered. That feeling is FREEDOM.
Until you have been without it, or have witnessed others who don’t have it, you can’t fully appreciate it. The heartbreak will be IMMENSE for Americans.
While Americans may not be prepared for what’s coming. I don’t think the left is prepared for their response — when they realize what the left is trying to take from them.
If 0bama wins it’s going to get very interesting.
Not right away, however. The left, after taking power in the US, will allow for a period of calming, or what the KGB referred to as “normalization”. They will work hard to make certain that everything appears normal. The population over time will come to accept that everything is just fine — it is definitely not just fine.
Behind the scenes is where that action is at this stage. The plans are being layed for the next phase.
...I’m not going to write a book here this morning.
Hang tough, vote, no matter what. Your dreams, and those of every American, are indeed your birthright — your inheritance passed down from previous generations of brave Americans who risked and sacrificed all for the exact same dream.
We will fight. I know it.
But we can no longer take our freedom for granted.
Take good care.
The boat pictured belongs to a member of a Hatteras Forums that I frequent, I think its at Baypoint Marina in Panama City.
Its a 58’ Hatteras that I have asked him about a selling price, I can get it around $95,000 and thats WAY less that what these babies normally go for even them being 30 years old, normally they are over $250,000.
In case anyone is interested in Hatteras boats (arguably the better of affordable motoryachts) the forum is here:
In a socialist world that would be capitalistic and frowned upon, of course comrade you must use it to supply fish to your neighbors first.
> What’s wrong with socialism?
I does not work. I repeat, It does not work.
Every place socialism has been tried, it has failed miserably causing great human suffering for those under its rule.
It does not work because it always degenerates to a condition where those who can’t or won’t work are supported by those who do work. In the process, those who will and do work are limited by lack of resources to adequately get the job done. The result is that all suffer.
“The result is that all suffer.”
There is no better definition than that.
I agree with everything youve written here.
We should not delude ourselves into thinking this is just another election. This is the beginning of the war...
Go out there TODAY and TOMORROW and every day until Nov 4 and fight this battle in every way possible. This may be the last “civil” battle of this war. Winning it offers us room for a strategic retreat and regrouping but it will NOT win this war. The Marxists will keep coming back and hitting every day, every year, every election cycle until they achieve the goal.
We have allowed them so much, we have treated them as brothers and sisters, we have treated them as fellow countrymen but it has to stop NOW. They are our enemies, just as the Nazi’s were our enemies, just as imperial japan was our enemy, just as any other group of people who had designs on our freedom were our enemies! Up till now we have GIVEN them every victory they have obtained. NEVER AGAIN! In the coming days and weeks and even years we will give them nothing...
If we lose this “election” (battle), we are going to have to take this war conventional. For the reasons Boucheau gave and more. These people want to set up this nation under a Marxist philosophy and they will (have been) working to do so. We ARE at the edge of the abyss, this “election” may give control over all three branches of government to MARXIST revolutionaries. You may argue the Supreme court is ours, but 99.9% of the rest of the judiciary wont be. They WILL, at some point, ignore the SC. Count on it.
I know I can make this post a novel if I write down everything im thinking and feeling and in the end I will do very little to convince anyone of anything. The resolve to fight for or against something must come from within each person. I can only implore you to see the world as it exists, its up to you to resolve to fight against it.
No, you misunderstand the objective. The goal of socialism is to destroy objects of envy, to re-level the playing field. For that socialism works every time.
The ultimate goal for communism is a world in which no one feels envy for anyone else. For this to work every country must be under centralized communist rule.
An envy-free world though is a hollow satanic goal that cannot be achieved. The first problem is that envy is a choice, a cardinal sin committed under free will. Second, envy is inspired from many sources, not just wealth disparity. People not only have different paychecks, they also have different looks, personalities, abilities, talents, families, friends, health, intelligence. Leftists will never reach their state of nirvana, but they will succeed in destroying America.
This is socialism. You had to wait five years just to get a piece of crap Trabant in the GDR.
Just the fact that you covet a boat such as that reveals your essential oldthink, my komrade. You will be assimilated.
We pretend to work, and they pretend to pay us.
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