Do I have a personality feature or talent that would make me good at such a venture? :~)
hey... at Seatac agin. Going down for the computer room move tomorrow morning. 6am. Ouch. I don’t much like getting up and moving that early for anything that isn’t about either a fishing pole or a rifle.
We’re moving all 8 of my racks and the AT&T network rack out of the computer room, into a temporary space that we’ve made. Then they’ll remodel the computer room, and in a couple of months we’ll move it all back.
I’m sure it’ll go just fine. What could possibly go wrong?
Well, I dunno. I was thinkin’ she’d be rather independent. She’s gonna move into town and cause a fuss amongst all the proper people.
I could make you a store owner if you’d rather. But so far the town only has a drugstore and I’ve got a pharmacist...