Buy them an Island
Wouldn’t work. They’d be at war with the marine life off their coast instead of establishing a fishing and hospitality industry . They’d blame the resulting economic conditions on Israel and the United States and the terrorism would continue due to the support from the same people who finance them now, which sadly includes us. They’d never accept an Island and Gaza is proof that they can not govern themselves and are unable to live anywhere in peace. They continue to support terror and elect terrorists to represent them. When the Palestinians stop indoctrinating their children to hate and kill I might take my earplugs off. Until then, I discount their pathetic ramblings as unworthy of my time or sympathy.
Their status in life is directly attributable to Arab leadership. Until they realise and accept that fact they don’t have much to look forward to except more violence and more isolation. There can never be peace when only one side wishes it.
Or how about that big chunk of ice that broke away in Antarctica a while back?
No one ever followed up on the suggestion...