Posted on 09/19/2008 4:15:42 PM PDT by Shooter 2.5
Let's see the pics. I'm adding something. I know a lot of people just need a couple words of advice so here goes. I'm going to number them and I hope everyone does the same.
12. If you have a revolver, you owe it to yourself to learn to reload it under five seconds with a speedloader.A single-action sans the ejector?
Do you know what a speedloader is?
Do you know what a speedloader is?Yeah, anyone with a grizzly breathing down their neck...
18. Learn to sight in a rifle within five shots by bore sighting and Minute of Angle.
19. Throw away the WD-40 and use BreakFree for all the guns except the AR. I use Militec for those. I also use a heavy grease on the frame and slide rails on the semi auto pistols.
20. 1911 recoil springs go bad after 10,000 shots. Early Colts need to be throated and polished if you’re shooting wadcutters.
21. Every gunowner should own a Ruger 10-22. Tactical Innovations make the best after market magazines for the little rifle.
22. You can never have enough reloading manuals. I heard a lot of glowing reports about the Lee book. On that note, every gunowner should have a copy of “Cartridges of the World”.
23. Even Glock owners should read Jeff Cooper’s Commentaries.
24. Shooting gloves are not for sissies. If you don’t believe me, put the bandaids on before you start a long shooting session.
25. If you wear hearing protection muffs, that little beanie on your ball cap can be removed without damaging the cap.
26. If you’re into rifles, nothing beats spending the money for a really good machine rest.
28. You need snap caps if you’re going to dry fire and you can never have enough.
29. If you’re a target shooter or plinker and you never miss, you’re too close and too slow.
30. Learn the proper names for gun parts and ammunition.
They're all excellent advice.
Nicely done. I’d GUESS (I don’t really know) that having that bipod attached out on the barrel like that could affect accuracy, I’d rather support the thing just in front of the magazine.
The bipod folds into the front stock, and pretty much disappears.
31. Now that I’m using military ammo cans to carry my ammunition, the little plastic ammo boxes have been retired except for one. The rifle ammo box holds all my cleaning rod tips and brushes in a neat assortment.
32. Extending the elevator tang on a Mossberg 500 shotgun allows you to load as many as 13 rounds of Aguila MiniShells. The buckshot shells work but not the field grade.
33. Cut the toes off of a couple of old socks and slip in onto the ball of your reloading press handle. Keep them there with rubber bands or tape.
34. After cleaning the brass, I use the Dillon lubricant spray. The brass is laid out on an large oven drip pan.
35. I’m in the process of taking digital camera photos of my firearms. The computer file number is replaced with the serial number of the firearm.
36. For cardboad IDPA silhouette targets, I bought eight foot long 2X4’s. I cut them in two foot sections and screwed them togther like a Roman Numeral Two. Two upright furring strips hold the target. Each target stand now cost around five dollars opposed to forty dollars. Mine are also lighter.
37. For a left handed shooter, the magazines go on the opposite side of your holster which will be on the right side of your belt. If you’re shooting a revolver, the speedloaders go on the same side as your holster, which will be on the left.
38. Have someone take movies while you shoot. You’ll be surprised as to what actually happens.
39. When buying guns or equipment, trying to save money usually doesn’t give you the results you wanted. Buying USAMagazines is an example.
40. My monthly received mail is NRA’s American Rifleman, Midway’s catalog, Dillon’s Blue Press catalog and quarterly, I get IDPA’s tactical journal. I haven’t bought a regular gun periodical in years.
THANKS for letting me know about this.
Good advice — great thread.
Many thanks ... I’ll look forward to your report.
651. If you’re going to buy a weapon for self defense, get the best one you can afford (Not necessarily the most expensive.)
I HIGHLY recommend the Rock Island Armory 1911 milspec. Only slightly more than the hipoint, but a world of differnce in what your money buys you.
You can spend more for a quality 1911, but this RIA does what is needed for a great shooter at a great price.
Forged, parkerized and most importantly, accurate and reliable. If you know what to look for in a 1911, when you take this puppy apart, you'll apreciate the quality at such an astoundingly low price. I lightened my trigger to ~3lbs, upgraded the springs and put some sexy checkered cocobolo grips on it and it is sweeeet! It is now my preferred CCW choice.
And for $309...not only affordable, it is a steal!
$309 from Centerfire systems. I bought mine from them and was very happy with their service!
Check out what owners say on the 1911 discussion forums.
Here is a bunch of threads at m1911.0rg
skip the see-n-shoots if you’re on private land, get a bag of junk golf balls.
you *know* when you hit them. depending on what gun you use, and how well you connect, they react differently. also, once you’ve hit it, its in a different spot. you learn pretty quick how to hit small targets at varying ranges, and how to track where they went.
once you have a bunch out of pistol range, hit them with your rifle.
This is the only point on which I particularly disagree with you [aside from the fact that I like the Dillon SDB for handloading pistol ammo over the 550B]
No problem about the paper or styrofoam plates, but I prefer to mount them on largish cardboard boxes instead, 2x2x4 feet being pretty good, taller when available. that gives me a 4-sided target stand that can withstand a couple hundred rounds of rifle fire [after replacement of the shot-up paper plates, of course] or when stacked one atop another can support a IPSC/IDPA target or silhouette for handgun practice.
On windy days, a brick tossed in the box prevents any movement of the box from wind. If it starts to rain, the boxes are an excuse to call things quits before it really dumps. And when you leave, you can not only pack out your own trash, including shot-up paper/styro plates and cardboard ammo boxes, but drag out some of that left by others.
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