To: Slings and Arrows; Darksheare
They showed up in your drawers, too, eh?
To: sweetliberty; Slings and Arrows
I had to test out the “Send Drawer Possums” power on somebody.
Slings was a natural fit, as the local possum populatyion in his area was severely reduced one fateful night involving a giant ballon, acetylene gas, and an errant match.
97 posted on
09/19/2008 10:06:00 AM PDT by
(My cyborg mecha-squirrels shall taunt that annoying Pomeranian over there..)
To: sweetliberty; Slings and Arrows; Darksheare
"They showed up in your drawers, too, eh?" Is that anything like an elephant in your pajamas?
152 posted on
09/19/2008 4:54:23 PM PDT by
(I think Obama understands "root hog, or die" as well as anyone. He's number two at the trough.) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson