The above has every appearance of teaching about science within a godless educational worldview. It is not religiously neutral in content or consequences.
If Madison could see our modern government schools he would have lobbied for separation of **SCHOOL** and state. Why? Because education is never religiously neutral.
Does the finding that the Earth circles the Sun challenge some incorrect religious dogma? Sure it does. Does this mean that one cannot teach this evidence without taking a “religious” stance, or adopting a “godless worldview”? Of course not. Religious beliefs are completely tangential to the evidence that the Earth circles the Sun rather than the reverse as many religions once taught.
Of course some seem incapable of noting this distinction. Just because a finding challenges dogmatic religious belief doesn't mean the Scientist has taken a stance either for or against that religious belief. The evidence is what it is.
Even the Pope believes in the weight of the evidence. So teaching the evidence is taking a religious stance for the Pope and against Young Earth Creationists? No. Teaching the evidence is teaching the evidence. That is Science.
When all you have is a hammer problems look like nails.