This is ignorant foolishness. Evolution was born as a way to explain observed phenomena. It has been tested. It's predictions have occurred. Today, evolution is the bedrock of biology. Even the Catholic Church accepts it.
Reason number_ why I am not a Catholic I guess, although every single Catholic I have met and have been friends with don’t believe that.
Ignorant foolishness is disregarding anything other than your Godless faith in how things came to be.
I have lost my faith, gained it back, questioned it, and grew stronger in it and because of it. Have you ever questioned evolution or darwinism?
Eolution does not make predictions. So, I guess that would give it a 100% record of success in that matter. Make no prdictions; make no mistakes in predicting.
Leading anti-creationist philosopher admits that evolution is a religionEvolution is religion.This is ignorant foolishness. Evolution was born as a way to explain observed phenomena. It has been tested. It's predictions have occurred. Today, evolution is the bedrock of biology. Even the Catholic Church accepts it.