Islamic and Arabs aren’t the same Thing... Iran is Persian Afghanistan isn’t arab Bangladesh isn’t arab Pakistan isn’t Arab Indian Muslims aren’t arabs..Indonesian and Malaysia aren’t Arabs
You are right. Something like 3/4 of the world’s Muslims aren’t Arab.
However, there has always been a strong strain of Arabocentrism in Islam from its very beginning. Muhammad and his immediate successors had great difficult in accepting non-Arab converts as more than clients of Arab Muslims. To some extent this ethnocentrism has continued till now. The Arab language, for example, is portrayed as the one the Koran existed in prior to the creation of the world. IOW, Allah speaks Arabic.
You are right—except that islam is islam—the koran is interpreted the same by all of these groups-—G-d said that he would bring the Jews back into his land and that they would never again be forced out—not because of them, but because He gave His Word, and it must happen. The islamist of the world must change this end to prove that the G-d of Abraham, Issac and Jacob is a liar. That ain’t going to happen, captain. If they adhere to the koran, as persians, indians and malaysians, they are like arabs, because they are the decendents of Ishmael and Esau.