My dear one ... for you I’ll do anything! “Back that truck up Larry, we’ve got zuchinni, maters and spargus to unload ...!”
OK ..I’ll bite ...why do you have a compost pile? lol
For me it is obvious .. I generate 10 yds of “blackgold” yearly
As I said, why I have a compost pile is a good question! I am not sure I know the answer.
I started it when I *thought* I was going to be gardening.... before the deer started decimating even the hostas. Now it is just a nice thing to do with veggie parings.... it saves stinky garbage and if’n I get a hankering to kill something in a pot I don’t have to go buy potting soil to try.
Did I mention I am also a very *bad* gardener? It took me a few years to finally admit it. That is why I make flowers in sugar for wedding cakes. You can’t kill them and you can eat your mistakes.
I love zuchinni!!!!! Have you ever had zuchinni soup? It is the Italian version of a Jewish mother’s chicken soup... good for what ails ya.