Taxes ... Chicago’s oxygen .. they’re unbelievable.
And no matter what they sell, bring in, increase
the taxes on every possible thing they can, there’ll
never be enough $$ for this huge bureaucratic machine.
They’re now going to sell the naming rights to Chicago
landmarks, roads, attractions and municipal properties!
You’ve never seen anything like this place.
> Theyre now going to sell the naming rights to Chicago landmarks, roads, attractions and municipal properties! Youve never seen anything like this place.
This is Old Hat in New Zealand. Believe it or not, there plenty more taxation delights for you in Chicago, if Dayley and your city fathers are following the NZ playbook...
Geez, the Chicago city hall are babes-in-arms when it comes to institutionalized corruption on a massive governmental scale. Prediction: “Da Mare” is going to take a field trip to Wellington, and come back all bright eyed with new ideas of ways to scam you lot with more taxes. Helen is going to become his new best buddy. And you thought wrought-iron fences on everything was excessive...