Congress Closed Door Session?
The first one in 25 years?
Only 4 has happened in the last 175 years?
Sounds like this would be BIG NEWS!
I got this email and thought “Oh brother. This reminds me of those guys in front of Dealy Plaza that try to sell you souvenir brochures or tickets to the Conspiracy Museum up the street.”
But, I did do a Google search using the words: congress, “closed-door”, and surveillance. And guess what........there WAS at one time many news reports about this closed door session from genuine media; Associated Press, LA Daily News, Fort-Worth Star Telegram, Washington Post, and even Huffington Post AND Ron Paul for President, BUT when you click on each and every link a message appears that says “Error Story Cannot Be Found.” OK, I know some media purge their news stories to save bandwidth, but if this Closed-Door session was the first one in 25 years and only the 5th since the 1800s, then dontcha think it would be HEADLINE NEWS?
Here’s the facts:
A Closed-Door session DID happen in Congress on Thursday March 13th, at night.
The floor of the House was swept for listening devices beforehand.
The session was billed as a discussion on “Surveillance”.
At one time many news media DID report on this “closed door” meeting.
Now, those news stories have been a taken off-line. Why?
(You can read some stories if you were to go into the newspaper’s Cache)
OKAY, OKAY! It sounds “Tin Hatish”, but check for yourself. Put the words : Congress, “Closed-door” and surveillance, into Google News and general Google Web search. You will find there WERE many who reported this story, but now all the stories are GONE.
Why did they pull their stories off line? I can put in search words on just about any topic and pull up news stories from 5 years ago. This meeting happened less than a month ago and the stories have disappeared.
Something happened in Congress the night of March 13th, 2008 and it was something BIG!