How? I though you didn't go in for the soft sciences.
They can be observed and measured.
How do you measure beauty? Decision making? Relationships? How do you test them?
You guys are the ones who keep saying that science only deals with what can be observed and measured and tested. You're the ones putting the limits on what science deals with in the entire world.
Perhaps the fields that deal with them are in their infancy, but they are not something that science can't address.
OK. What's the test for beauty? Morals? Emotions? Will?
Those fields are not only not in their infancy, they're not even in existence.
One test for morality is how the subject handles facts. If the subject routinely mischaracterizes what others have said, says things that they know are not true and/or calls others out for behavior that they them self do then they are not a moral person.
That is one partial test for morality.
As for beauty multiple algorithms exists for determining beauty of the female form, the male form is somewhat more difficult to determine. But both areas are currently being worked on.