It's sort of like a Whitman Sampler of logical fallacies:
Category Error: The notion that the physical appearance of the unborn makes it any more (or less) likely that it is a "person" conflates incidental physical traits with fundamental moral nature.
Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc: That's Latin for "after this, therefore because of this"; it refers to confusion between correlation and causation (e.g. the abortion and marriage "predictors", with no evidence that causation, if present at all, isn't in the opposite direction from the one implied -- does marriage cause a certain type of character, or vice versa? -- or both caused by a third factor).
Selective Choice Of Data: For starters, it's obvious that the "religious believers" who plow planes into skyscrapers aren't being counted in his statistics on positive "outcomes".
You can always tell a real “Wing-Nut” here; they always attack Worldnetdaily.
The truth does have to be stopped of course, so fire away.