To: ahayes; canuck_conservative; doc30; DaveLoneRanger; cryptical; js1138; swain_forkbeard
The Flying Spaghetti Monster has stretched its noodles to Polk County.
The Flying Spaghetti Monster, or FSM, is a satirical group that pokes fun at intelligent design. It first emerged in 2005 during the debate in Kansas over whether the belief should be taught in science classes.
The group has sent dozens of e-mails to Polk County School Board members demanding that the idea of a Flying Spaghetti Monster creating the world receive classroom equal time with other views. The e-mail campaign began after four of seven board members said in November that they supported teaching intelligent design in addition to evolution.PING!
3 posted on
12/13/2007 12:48:36 PM PST by
(The People have Unenumerated Rights, The Government does not have Unenumerated Powers!)
To: SubGeniusX
Phooey on your monster.
Cthulhu is the designer. Teach the controversy.
12 posted on
12/13/2007 12:53:28 PM PST by
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