The TOE doesn’t address origin.
You might want to read up on that!
Sure it does. Nothing exploded and is the building block of everything. Those rocks formed out of nothing, then came alive. Because the rocks couldn't see where they were going, they developed eyes, and once those rocks had eyes, they could see that they weren't really going anywhere, so they developed legs, or fins. (depending on which you think came first, swimming rocks or walking ones) Then the living rocks became hungry, but because they were the only "living" thing, there was no food, so some of the living rocks turned into food. Then the living rocks realized they couldn't eat the food, so they developed mouths. But they found the food rock hard to chew, so they developed teeth. Then they realized they couldn't swallow, so they developed throats. I'm sure you can figure out the rest. Just use your imagination, practically any evolution model will work. If you believe life came to earth from some other gallaxy, just remember it had to form from nothing exploding and forming everything as well, expoded nothing turning into gases, gases forming matter, matter forming rocks, rocks coming alive after mysterious space rain clouds came and rained on them for millions/billions of years.