Very interesting. I have an older sister who is has schizophrenia and the article is right about the bad habits. She chain smokes home rolled filterless cigs, drinks at least a 2 liter of diet coke a day and eats an odd, easily prepared diet, but at least she's eats fairly 'normal' compared to the bulimea she suffered in the late 70's before anyone had ever HEARD of anorexia and bulemia.
One thing about schizophrenics that may actually help their health is their need to go for walks. She's in her 50's now, so she will occasionally take a bus or taxi, but walking is still her main mode of transportation and she can really cover some territory!
Growing up there was a man we called The Walker. No one ever saw him in a car but he must have walked 30 miles a day. One day you’d see he out at 9 mile pond, the next day you’d see him 20 miles away on the other side of the city. It was not uncommon to hear someone say, “Hey guess who I saw today out by _____.” He was always alone, walked quite fast, and never looked unhappy.