True, but a Thera tsunami could explain the legend of Atlantis since a giant tsunami would have indunated and destroyed not just one, but most coastal ‘cities’.
“Atlantis” might have been Plato’s way of allegorically describing an event that many separate cultures endured.
Atlantis 'sank' 9,000 years ago.
The open side of the caldera is the western side (the caldera, and probably the open side, is at least 23,000 years old), which points toward the Greek mainland. No trace of a tsunami exists there, either. This is a good example of how the supereruption is a delusional system among those guys who follow along behind Marinatos — if there had been such a huge eruption, and if it really did cause such a huge tsunami, why isn’t the evidence ubiquitous and obvious? The fact remains that it isn’t, and that finding one abandoned house with a wall missing is a manifestation of the persistent delusion.