Funny, the ugliest, most poorly dressed and least worldly people are in Philly.....
Sounds like the Northern caricature of southern hicks.....
Of course, Atlanta ranked high with the beautiful people....
Now the truth is out, Yankee’s are the ugliest.....
I once picked up a pretty blonde friend from Dallas at SeaTac airport. She came down the stairs with nicely done hair, lipstick, a beautifully fitted black jacket with big yellow embroidered flowers and a smile on her face. Every woman in the terminal turned around and hissed at her. They were all dressed like aforementioned refugees, wearing no makeup, nothing pretty or colorful, and their hair was uniformly unisex style, going gray naturally, no henna, no highlights, no help whatsoever. I swear they didn’t wear bras, only cool cotton vestees to enhance flatness. These were random women, all sporting the Seattle look.
So beware!