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To: Sensei Ern

10 minutes in.
Sun was not always accepted as making crops grow. Some ancient cultures, especially those in desert climates believed the sun was evil because they saw the destructive power of the sun.

20 minutes in.
The only claim that Jesus was born on December 25th was the Catholic church. It was never determined what day he really was born.

Also, the other supposed messiahs did not use the Roman calendar. Nor the same alphabet, so they could not correllate.

Sunset did not come from Set the god of Egyptian lore. It came from the English word “set” meaning to put somethign down. and here is the etimology copied from Merriam Webster:
Etymology: Middle English setten, from Old English settan; akin to Old High German sezzen to set, Old English sittan to sit

24 minutes in.
It was not the rising sun that formed the idea of raising after being dead three days. It was the tradition of Judaism that the spirit remained in the body for three days. After four days, it would go to paradise.

This was determined because they did not understand the idea of a coma, and figured if a body was unresponsive to outside stimulus, it must be dead, only to return to life after the body healed enough from a coma to respond once again.

Now, having not continued the video further yet, I may be answering a claim that the movie makes, which is, Jesus was not in a coma. He was beaten to within an inch of His life by men who were trained to thrash a person so close to death but not make then die. He then was gouged by a crown of thorns, which was beat into His skull by a weighted rod. After that, He was forced, to the point of exhaustion to carry a cross beam several miles in a harsh sun(this cross beam was rough wood large enough to hold the weight of a man for several hours, so it was not small), after which He was spiked through the wrist and ankles onto that cross.

Left there to suffocate when He could no longer raise Himself to take a breath. He gave up His own life, it could not be taken from Him. After He died on the cross, the Roman soldiers were breaking the legs of those hung on the cross so that they could not lift themselves to take another breath (the crucifixion was designed such that the criminal would not be able to breath if they hung from their arms, requiring them to lift themselves by their legs, which caused a great deal of pain...thus torturing a prisoner until they met their final death when they were no longer able to raise themselves.) and then would die. When they got to Jesus, they found He was already dead, so they did not break His legs.

Instead, a soldier thrust his spear into Jesus side, straight to the heart, to ensure He was indeed dead.

The reason Jesus rose from the dead ON THE THIRD DAY(not after three days) was because HE IS GOD, and BEING GOD, IS ALL POWERFUL, EVEN TO THE POINT OF KEEPING HIS OWN LIFE.

ALso, Jesus rose from the dead, literally, and physically. It was not symbolism.

OK, continuing on with the movie. (I paused it to answer the false claims of the film about Jesus.)

25 minutes in.
The circle cross is a symbol of Orthodox Christianity (Orthodox Christianity is the body that makes up the Greek Orthodox, Russian Orthodox, and most references to Christians in the Middle East as reported in the news). While some non-Orthodox may use the same symbol, it is through ignorance of its meaning. Most Christians use only the simple “t” cross. Some may superimpose a cross over a globe to identify that they have a mission of reaching the world with the Gospel of Jesus, and it has a similar design to that of the zodiac cross, with a completely different origin and meaning.

27 minutes in.
The film claims the Egyptians tracked 2100 years of star gazing and found the sun rises in a new sign of the zodiac.

First, according to Wikipedia, the zodiac was introduced by the Babylonians some time after 1000 BC. For the Egyptians to put the rising of the sun in the zodiac means they would have to track it for at least 4200 years, to get any kind of sequencial data to use as a standard to develop their zodiac sun corrallation theory, which would mean they would have to keep the tests ging until somewhere around 2900 AD...900 years in the future from today.

At this point, I would disregard anything the fil has to say since it clearly shows that it is making claims that are not based on fact and reality. I will continue for the benefit of Dana and his readers...but not much longer. I can’t take much more of the false claims.

The film’s “age” teaching is false concerning Judeo/Christian teachings. In Judeo/Christian teaching, and age refers to a time of undetermined length that signifies a major way God interacts with man, and deals with him to be reconciled with God.

The ages as outlined in the Bible are:
1. Age of Innocence - When Adam and Eve were in the Garden of Eden before they disobeyed God
2. Age of Consience -This is the time until Noah’s flood where man was to live according to his conscience, but proved inadequate because man disregarded his conscience to do as his flesh desired
3. Age of Government - This is after the flood before Abraham. Man was to form governments to replenish the earth, but instead man gathered at Babel and did not subdue the earth. Government was corrupt.
4. Age of Promise - God promised Abraham a nation, Israel, to be the prodiginy of the Messiah...That the Messiah would be Jewish and would pay for the sins of the whole world. This failed because the Jews instead turned to Egypt for deliverance from probems rather than turning to God. It resulted in the enslavement of the Jews in Egypt.
5. Age of Law - God used Moses to get the people of Israel out of Egypt, bring them into the land promised to Abraham, and gave them a law to follow. This failed when the Israelites turned from God to follow other gods, which were demonic beings.
6. Age of Grace - Our current age. This started when Jesus died on the cross. It is the period of time where we do not need to turn to anything, but the grace of God to forgive our sins and to be reconciled to Him so that we can be in fellowship with Him. Man fails this when he rejects Jesus and seeks his own redemption. It ends with the judgement of the Tribulation period.
7. Age of the Kingdom - After the tribulation, Jesus establishes the Kingdom the Jews were looking for when He came 2000 years ago. This age does have a set period of time as outlined in the Bible...1000 years...not the 2150 years claimed in the movie. Unfortunately, just as men rejected Jesus 2000 years ago, they will reject Him again even when they see Him face to face.

28:30 in:
The Jews blow the Rams horn because the Ram points to the ram God provided as a substitue when Abraham was going to sacrifice Isaac. The Ram represents the promised coming Messiah. And again, the zodiac was not introduced for another 1000 years AFTER Moses led the Jews out of Eqypt.

The fish symbol goes back to when Christianity was persecuted. To identify themselves, one Christian would make one half the arc and another would make the second half to form a fish. It was chosen because of the account of Jesus feeding 5000 with loaves and fishes, and the several other accounts involving Jesus and fish.

at 30 minutes in:
The narrator quotes Luke 22:10, stating that the man with the pitcher Jesus refers to is Aquarius.

Here is the actual text: Luke 22:7-14
7 ¶ Then came the day of unleavened bread, when the passover must be killed.
8 And he sent Peter and John, saying, Go and prepare us the passover, that we may eat.
9 And they said unto him, Where wilt thou that we prepare?
10 And he said unto them, Behold, when ye are entered into the city, there shall a man meet you, bearing a pitcher of water; follow him into the house where he entereth in.
11 And ye shall say unto the goodman of the house, The Master saith unto thee, Where is the guestchamber, where I shall eat the passover with my disciples?
12 And he shall shew you a large upper room furnished: there make ready.
13 And they went, and found as he had said unto them: and they made ready the passover.
14 And when the hour was come, he sat down, and the twelve apostles with him.

Clearly, the meal Jesus was referring to was the last supper, not some future age to come in 2100 years.

At this point, I have listened to 30 minutes of the two hours. I am not wasting any more time.

In just the first half hour, I pointed out that sweeping claims of ancient cultures was false, attuning Jesus birth celebrated on December 25th with the births of other dieties on a calendar that was not used by those cultures, the bastardization of English with Egyptian dieties, misunderstanding of the three days death, the misuse of symbolism by the video, the inability to use measurements of time by Egyptians that were not invented at the point of experimentation, the misinterpreation of Jewish symbolism, and finally the taking of Scripture out of the context of its use in the word of God.

Copyright 2007 Sensei Ern

12 posted on 08/03/2007 5:55:57 AM PDT by Sensei Ern ( - Ann Coulter is My Press Secretary)
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To: Sensei Ern


Thanks for that, Sensei. Excellent observations, all.

13 posted on 08/03/2007 10:56:10 AM PDT by Son Of The Godfather
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To: Sensei Ern

Thanks for the researched response. I have not watched the webmovie but I have seen it posted periodically as a bulletin on Myspace where it circulates through the friend-of-a-friend network.

14 posted on 08/04/2007 6:58:52 PM PDT by weegee (NO THIRD TERM. America does not need another unconstitutional Clinton co-presidency.)
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To: Sensei Ern

You got exactly as far as I did.... Good rebuttal. God bless

16 posted on 08/09/2007 9:50:02 PM PDT by seadecker
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To: Sensei Ern

Thank you for the post.

18 posted on 08/27/2007 10:22:37 AM PDT by IronKros ( The pig put foot. Grunt. Foot in what? ketchup)
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To: Sensei Ern

i like all your insites. i have seen the movie and i believe it though... i dont really know about religion so i will take your analysis as truth. i believe in god, and whether Christianity is true or not, the teachings are of positive value so i am not worried about it. i am more concerned if our gov’t is conspiring war for profit. i loved your analysis of the religious aspect. will you please skip the religion part of the movie and analyze the rest of it... it goes on to talk about the federal reserve being construed by the Rockafeller’s and the dept of education being set up to ruin our education system. also what they believe to be the true reasons for pearl harbor and the sinking of the Lusitania in WWI. i would really appreciate your input on these more recent events as opposed to what happened over 1000 years ago.

26 posted on 02/17/2008 10:03:51 AM PST by eyenose
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To: Sensei Ern
My son, nineteen years old and in college, asked me earlier this evening about this Zeitgeist movie. Here's my take on it, as I replied to him:

In reference to:


  1. The first part, on religion, is so devoid of accuracy as to be comical. For example, the December 25 date, and the calendar on which it is a date, didn't even exist until a few centuries after Christ, so I can't even make sense of the claim that earlier religious beings were born on that same date. The people whom I trust to know about the origins of Christianity more than myself find this first part to be lunacy. Of course, for the intended audience, Christian experts are not considered to be reliable sources, and prior knowledge of Christianity, either its theology or history, is, to put it kindly, limited. So the ridiculous claims in this part are not massively discrediting of the integrity of this movie. For more detail of the bullshit in this first part, see for example:
  2. The second part, on 9/11 and earlier false flag operations (see further I've seen before -- the same video clips, in many cases. My guess is that, as always, the truth is more complex and less clearly damning than either side allows. It would not surprise me if the people who took down the World Trade Center got some high explosives into the buildings, near the bottom of the main central supports, and blew those explosives in order to start the final collapse. I doubt that 9/11 was a simple "false flag" action as they claim; rather I suspect complications, confusions and complicities abound, to the discredit of all parties involved. The environmentalists, especially in America, have been too successful over the last 30 years in keeping us from developing our own sources of energy (little more oil drilling, no more refineries, no more nuclear plants), causing us to send trillions of dollars to backward Wahhabi Arabs, fueling the rise again of powerful Islamo-Fascists. The environmentalists, especially in America, have decimated our smoke stack industries, sending our factories, and trillions more dollars, to China. When one spends decades funding ones mortal enemies with more wealth than known in all prior human history, then ones mere continued existence is proof that one is, or at least was, the most powerful nation on earth ... which after World War II, we were beyond all doubt.
  3. The third part, on the Federal Reserve system and the role of the wealthiest families, the Rothchilds and Rockefellers and Morgans, in controlling our banks, creating debt and the income tax, has a fair bit of truth to it. The book The Web of Debt: The Shocking Truth About Our Money System and How We Can Break Free, by Ellen Hodgson Brown, is a quite readable (for those few of us who still read books) and I believe balanced and accurate presentation of this.

Stepping back ...

What we see here, rather as you stated, is "the best compilation of conspiracy theories I have ever seen." It is well produced, and captures, in the media of our times (web video) the breathless, fear and anger instilling, sense of such theories.

This is part of the nature of human civilization. Men with power seek more power; power corrupts; new instruments of power, such as new forms of money and finance, more powerful banks, new instruments of war, larger more powerful governments, and new forms of mass media, are all used and abused, both to aggrandize power and to resist power. The truth is difficult to ferret out, of either side. Very difficult.

This dynamic has been ongoing in human civilization, since its inception.

As one bumper sticker (on a very expensive car) said:

He who dies with the most toys wins.
Human civilization is amassing some very fancy toys.

I fear for our freedom; but movies such as this one hurt the cause of freedom perhaps more than they help it, with their blatant use of propaganda tools and casual disregard for the truth. As with cafeteria food fights between nine year olds, the one making the biggest claims to innocence is often one of the most guilty in starting the mess.

There is an element of truth and power for good in religion, of which this movie shows little awareness. There is an element of truth and power for good in the foundations, heritage and institutions of this great nation, of which this movie shows little awareness. The world banks have financed the greatest expansion of civilization and human well being in the last two centuries that we've ever seen.

The men behind the worlds banks are just ordinary men, like you and me, except that they happen to be richer than Bill Gates and Warren Buffet combined, times ten. We have lost sight of the -inevitable- absolute corruption that comes from the absolute concentration of power.

The new means of commerce, communication (radio, TV, web), transportion, energy, technology, industry and finance over the last two centuries have been to human civilization like handing you, right now, as a young man, ten billion dollars and a castle full of naked, willing, women.

Human civilization is on one hell of a ride, and I won't live long enough to have any idea whether, in another century or three, it blows up in youthful demise, or finds new health and stability, with a proper balance of freedom and power.

Studying this movie is like studying one HIV virus and trying to understand all of human disease, health, pestilence and well being, over the millenia.

This movie is guilty of the same propaganda tricks of which it accuses others. But it does do a better job than George W. Bush of communicating to many people. Unfortunately, that is not a difficult task.

You may well remember this movie as I did the Protest Marches against the Vietnam War, when I was your age, as a particularly pointed example of a phenomenon of its time.

I suspect that both this movie, and those marches, were funded and organized by mortal enemies of our country, which remains the last best hope for freedom on this planet.

29 posted on 05/13/2008 4:09:42 AM PDT by ThePythonicCow (By their false faith in Man as God, the left would destroy us. They call this faith change.)
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