Sorry this is late (away on weekend), but isn’t this the man buried at the “Old Stone Fort”, i.e., a church with LOTS of just any-old collections with it?
My husband and I had a trip up to NY last year, and we included Freeman’s Farm/Bemis Heights in our trip and on the way to PA stopped at the “Old Stone Fort” church/farm recreation.
I just don’t recall if it was Tim Murphy (Fraser’s killer) or 1 of the men who allegedly found John Andre at West Point. It’s a medium-sized obelisk near 1 of the front-entrance corners of the church building. I have pix, but they’re at home. ;-)
Murphy was buried there (Fultonham) next to his first wife. In 1872, he was reinterred at Middleburgh cemetery. Although the State Legislature voted to erect monument to Murphy in 1819, none was built until some of his descendants purchased one to be placed in the cemetery in 1910. In 1913, the Ancient Order of Hibernians placed a marker commemorating Murphy at the Saratoga Battlefield, and the state put up its own marker there in 1929.
The three that intercepted Major Andre got lucky, and their motivations for their blockade has come into question (perhaps to rob persons?) At any rate, they were all local folks from an area about 100 miles from Schoharie County.
Your trip sounds like a good one...