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To: redstates4ever
Whoa. They both look terrible.
To: redstates4ever
Big bottom, big bottom Talk about bum cakes, my girl's got 'em
To: redstates4ever
Hillary! finally found something to wear that makes her pantsuits look good.
73 posted on
07/05/2007 11:33:38 AM PDT by
Cyber Liberty
(Did Dennis Kucinich always look like that or did he have to submit to a series of shots? [firehat])
To: redstates4ever
G*d help that poor child.
To: redstates4ever
AHHHHH! Young love! mr and mrs snake oil salesmen. Sweet on the outside sour on the in!
79 posted on
07/05/2007 1:47:23 PM PDT by
ronnie raygun
(I'd rather be hunting with dick than driving with ted)
To: redstates4ever
Hill is one freakin wide load.
82 posted on
07/05/2007 1:51:48 PM PDT by
To: 2ndDivisionVet; 4mycountry; 537cant be wrong; A knight without armor; aardvark1; albee; albertp; ...
Caption-A-Rama PING!
Please FReepmail me (ShorelineMike) to be added to, or removed from, the Caption-A-Rama PING list.
Also, please FReepmail me if you spot a juicy thread.
83 posted on
07/05/2007 4:31:25 PM PDT by
(Constituo, ergo sum.)
To: redstates4ever
Ya know honey, if we eat that entire tub over there on the right with these sample spoons, we don't have to pay.
84 posted on
07/05/2007 4:54:03 PM PDT by
("Courage is being scared to death and saddling up anyway." - John Wayne)
To: redstates4ever
Kneel before Zod!
85 posted on
07/05/2007 4:54:58 PM PDT by
("Courage is being scared to death and saddling up anyway." - John Wayne)
To: redstates4ever
Number two looks like two regular people trying hard to avoid the sinister duo,
while the baby hasn't learned the nature of evil quite yet.
If he's lucky, Hill-zebub didn't touch him back.
87 posted on
07/05/2007 5:35:22 PM PDT by
To: redstates4ever
88 posted on
07/05/2007 6:59:23 PM PDT by
G8 Diplomat
(Senators suck...the ones in Washington and on Ottawa's NHL team)
To: redstates4ever
” Hey, Hill, when do we start dancing?”
Hillary, khaki is NOT your color.
89 posted on
07/05/2007 7:05:21 PM PDT by
(Trent Lott needs fixing, not talk radio.)
To: redstates4ever
90 posted on
07/06/2007 4:02:34 AM PDT by
Corin Stormhands
( / Script Frenzy 2007 - WINNER!!!)
To: redstates4ever
Monica Mocha. YUMMEEE!!!
92 posted on
07/06/2007 5:31:32 AM PDT by
(Join the DUmmie FUnnies PING List for the FUNNIEST Blog on the Web)
To: redstates4ever
That is one Ugly Couple, if they were a Couple. He’s still wearing that bimbo’s love bracelet.
Pray for W and Our Troops
98 posted on
07/07/2007 6:23:35 PM PDT by
(Member of the FR President Bush underground)
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