***I want to thank President Bush and other Amnesty supporters for allowing this sort of cultural importation into my country.***
You might want to thank all the presidents we’ve had for the past thirty years who did NOTHINg ABOUT THE INVASION. But, NO, it’s all Bush’s fault. And it wasn’t a Mexican who killed, it was a Mexican who got killed.
Still I think my comments were on point.
Specifically, that this sort of spontaneous vigilatism is actually pretty common in most Third World countries, regardless of the ethnicity of the perps.
By allowing utterly unrestricted immigration of tens of millions of people, from countries where this sort of thing happens, it stands to reason that we are going to see a lot more of this sort of barbarism.
Not just depressed wages among gardeners, hotel workers, etc., but, this kind of anarchy.That was my point.
The ethnicity of the perps is immaterial; the 'Third World' anarchy and mob rule is the important theme here.
Have a nice day.