” The school closed their computer lab with only an announcement over their PA system. My son didnt hear the announcement. The school did not post the closure online on the school website. The school did not send a flyer home. They just closed it and made an announcement.”
Why would the school send a flyer home to announce they closed the computer lab? It’s pretty unremarkable, requiring only a PA announcement.
Truly, your son WILL pay better attention in the future. Don’t you consider that a valuable lesson?
My son can’t hear the announcements in the morning because of other kids talking.
He doesn’t have great hearing.
I thought my son was going to be supervised in an afterschool homework center. I had scheduled to pick him up an hour after school was closed.
Thank God, he had a cell phone and I could immediately pick him up. Usually, that wouldn’t be the case.
I think that does require a notice home to the parents.
I also know in my daughters’ private school, they would send an e-mail to the parents and send home a notice about their homework center being closed. Of course, that school has better communication skills in general.
You're absolutely right, because we all now that when there is a PA announcement all of the kids in school immediately clam up and pay attention.
Gimme a break.
Any school relying on PAs alone to convey that kind of information is asking for trouble.