I don’t think that anyone wants the boy to get anything.
However, they also don’t want poor teachers to keep on humiliating kids.
Sometimes parents have to stand up for what’s right.
After seeing cases like this get awards in the millions of $$$$ for incidents like this (that we taxpayers footed the bill for) I’m a bit jaded, unfortunately. Hopefully you are right and the parents will settle for the apologies, written and spoken, and will move on. I’ve just got a gut feeling that it won’t end here, though. This is how Judge Expensive Pants started out! And look at what a mess that is now. Oy.
That teachers find these rewards acceptable, I'll never understand...that some freepers are giving a green light to said teachers is beyond the pale. Two wasted hours of class time, first of all...and what have the kids learned?
"It's okay to pick on one another."
I wonder--is that Language Arts or Mathematics?
What exactly are these teachers being paid to do???
For the teachers who have to put up with difficult kids all year, here's a solution: First day of summer vacation, get together and make fun of those kids among your fellow teachers. When you're done with that, rethink your career choice.