1 posted on
06/10/2007 8:27:46 AM PDT by
To: gpapa
Boring race.The winner ran like a girl.
2 posted on
06/10/2007 8:30:10 AM PDT by
Gay State Conservative
("The meaning of peace is the absence of opposition to socialism."-Karl Marx)
To: gpapa
That was an awesome race! It’s why I watch the Triple Crown races. They’re great events.
3 posted on
06/10/2007 8:30:30 AM PDT by
(Never question Mr. Nibbles!)
To: gpapa
I won a good deal amount of money.
And I have Paris Hilton to thank. ‘Rags to Riches’? A girl horse? It was in the stars.
To: gpapa
I didn’t think she could do it and didn’t bet on her...should have had more faith in the A.P. Indy bloodline.
7 posted on
06/10/2007 8:48:41 AM PDT by
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