I’m headed outside now, to see what sort of salad the rabbits ate overnight.
Our rabbits don’t seem to bother any of my plants, but the bugs sure do. Our rabbits make nests in the llama barn and shed though. Tomorrow I’m going to make that tabacco,garlic,soap tea and spray everything.
I planted quite a few radishes and I didn’t know even though the picture on the seed package shows round radishes, some of them look like long strings, some are long with bulbs on the top and bottom with a 1 inch stretch between the bulbs, some are round like the package. This iss quite an experience. I had one shoot up about 18 inches and produced white flowers, nothing in the ground but roots.
Dog, your Dad being 81 years young is also cause for celebration! Many more, I pray.
IG, I thought you particularly would be interested in the sleep deprivation article @ http:dailymail.co.uk.
The article below is interesting and the comments afterwards are funny. Be sure to read them.
Iowa Granny, have you seen the ad for insurance where the rabit is swimming? I thought of you as soon as I saw it! LOL!! HOB