Officer Shoots Dog While Looking For Water-Balloon ThrowerWTF??? The "water-balloon incident" needs more extensive "investigation" while they just accept as gospel the word of the officer that the dog lunged at him with the fact that the dog was chained to the porch an insignificant matter??!!(Same intro as the main story, with this at the end)
"Police continue to investigate the water balloon incident. The shooting of the dog is not under investigation because officials said the officer said the dog lunged at him."
I’m sorry, but if it were my dog, I would be LIVID. The dog was chained on its own property for Heaven’s sake. I can’t believe they think this is ok. Is there someone to call?
The dog shooting is not an insignificant matter, but neither is the water balloon. Throwing anything at passing cars (in this case, apparently through a window, and hitting the driver’s face) is very capable of causing a serious accident, and shouldn’t be taken lightly.