Good morning! A nice, balmy, 32.7F here. April?? In Virginia??
25 Degrees here.
I read that Algore was flying to Tenn. this weekend, and so I checked the weather for his home in Nashville. With tonight and tomorrow night temps in the 20s there, he will be up to his eyeballs in carbon doubt bringing on a heat wave. HA.
Looks like the Easter Bunny will need a pair of mittens tonight.
I did see a cottontail rabbit running across the yard a little while ago.
46 down here in southern Louisiana, the wind chill is 39. Just saw on Fox and Friends that it was snowing in Dallas overnight. Lot’s of global warming going on...
FACT—, I will NOT be working in the yard today. ‘Baby, it’s cold outside’, forgot who sung it way back when.
And Al Gore say’s?, nothing, just orders 25 more pounds of carbon footprints..
We are getting ready to go plant and shrub hunting today, D wants to redo the front yard (something tells me a sore back is coming soon.
I heard yesterday that eggs were going up 28% in the stores, ho hum, time to get some more chickens, been meaning to anyhow, going Monday and see what the farm store has IF SIL fixes my we little chick holder...pen.
Getting ready to go into town and take some clothes, baby stroller, etc., to a friend who has just gotten 2, one 2, one 4, little Hispanic girls thru foster care. Believe me, D has enough stuff to outfit bunches of children, she belongs to a foster care group and they stay stocked up on everything.
I it is this cold tomorrow I am going to miss sunrise services, I just don’t need to come down with a cold or something.
Time to get ready to go into town, all have a good day and remember this special Holy season, it is ever thing to me.