Very true, and very edifying!
I tend to get frustrated because everything I attempt is so imperfect, so I just stop. JenB got a group of us into doing NaNoWriMo every year, which is a help. Teaches you to bind your internal editor in a dark corner with duct tape and just *write*. But it can be hard to continue throughout the year with that same attitude.
I'm also one of those irritating folks who obsess about the material side of writing: I like nice pens and nice paper, old typewriters, writing gadgetry and all that. I can spend hours surfing the net reading about the tools instead of actually using 'em. It's a fun way to procrastinate, admittedly, but...
I write columns for a newspaper, rather than fiction (many of my detractors suggest otherwise of course :-)).
But for a typical column of 700-750 words, I usually start by writing over a thousand words. It usually takes less time to do that than to cull the result down to the appropriate size.
I'm looking forward to participating in NanoWrimo this year.