Why is this? Here's a film that discusses both atheism and God and the search for the meaning of life between extremely intelligent people and it gets flammed by the establishment as being 'too deep'?
Will the last intelligent person who leaves America please bring the flag?
They also flame Stephen Baldwin because he's an outspoken Christian. Kudos to director Tim Chey for casting Baldwin because he's terrific in this film.
Here's Stephen Baldwin's remark on this film:" I dont want to sound so broad in my answer, but I think the movie is about life. We live in a country where every morning, in your face is USA Today and thats been the case with the news and other media. Now with the fast-paced rate that we receive information, were dealing with global pressure everyday. There are people waking up nervous about Iraq and other issues. For me, I think its an interesting concept that the movie addresses all these things that subliminally for us every day are stressful issues. It was so cool to me, the concept of geniuses analyzing the worlds problems and how to solve them. The movie doesnt necessarily answer any question, it just provokes thought. Its my hope to push buttons and get people thinking
rip the scab off of life, so to speak. Get people thinking and talking about what they really do believe. There are many aspects of the film that at the end are left open. But more than that, there are avenues into the mind of those who watch the film that will leave them intrigued. I think thats a good thing."
Welcome to FR
I haven't heard of it, but it sounds interesting. Is it in theaters yet?
If it is anything like "Powder," it should be pretty good.
I like to support Stephen Baldwin endeavors, but even more so, this film sounds intriguing.