So it is written, so it shall be done. Sodpoodle is THE FIRMs PRESIDENT
I accept this hollow title for 1000 posts and select Uncitizen as my VP. Thereafter it shall be up to the members to elect another President or you get stuck with UNCITIZEN or until HK$ is convicted of a felony - whichever comes first.
Congrats, sod. *You can't sit in my chair!* It's the only one with arms.
I have the right to bear chair arms. Also, it's the only one with the push button riser so that I may survey the trial participants from a higher perspective.
My feet don't touch the floor, as it is. Will have to put in a requisition for a rising footstool, too.
You probably sit down there at the other end, behind the PowerPoint monitor. J/K!
Hahahaha! I motion that we have pot luck bbq one of these days :)
Agree with the selection, SP. It's a heavy burden....
Oh K-rap. You can't do that! Can you? I am more qualified to be Chief Legal Counsel of THE FIRM. After all i did make up most of the Rules (by-laws) and i did represent you in a very important case in front of The Judge (altho you did fire me, but that doesn't count). And i do enforce the rules. So wouldn't i be better as Chief Legal Counsel?
I "wish" to nominate A Citizen Reporter for your VP of Research and Development. Anyone second the motion???
I also nominate Rte66 (aka The Judge) as Chairman of the Board??? All in favor say Aye?
Stuck with me. STUCK WITH ME! I resemble that remark!