Is that the best they've got? Surely they've got private investigators all over trying to dig up dirt on Birkhead. Nothing yet?
So far, an argument over sunglasses and that he called Daniel "that kid" in an email. That's all.
Hardly criminal
You would think that if there were any major dirt on Larry, somebody would have found it by now.
I saw one comment by an anonymous poster a while back (maybe on TMZ) that insinuated that he had a boyfriend that was a reporter at a Kentucky tv station. Believe me, I'm sure they've checked that all out and have come up empty handed.
Oh, I forgot about the speeding ticket!!! (ha ha)
LOL, yes, imagine Social Services or a court choosing a guy who has had 2 people die of drugs overdoses in his household in the last 6 mos, and who is a squatter in a home he does not own and has been asked to leave, a man who helped bribe a gov official for citizenship, who ran with another mans child to another country, and who refuses to submit her for DNA tests.
No Court would give a child to you or me with that kind of background.
If he wins custody in the Bahamas, the fix will be in, obviously.