Has Stern been investigated to the nth degree? He had motive and opportunity. People are dropping like flies around the guy. Hmmm... the kid, who is the primary beneficiary dies rather mysteriously, and then the mother next, what, weeks later? And look who's the beneficiary now? Too much of a coincidence.
Where's Mark Furnam when you need him? Or Angela Landsbury? Matlock? Columbo? IS ANYBODY LISTENING???
Plus, the guy's a LAWYER for crying out loud!!!
> Stern <
> did <
> it <
I think he's going to form a group with O. J., the Ramseys and Gary Condit to look for "some Puerto Rican guy" that knocked off people close to them.
I'm very strongly inclined to agree...but proving it,if he *is* guilty,will be difficult.I've heard it said that the two best places to learn how to be a criminal are prison and law school.